All you need is one computer or one laptop...
Use LAN, make one of the computers as server...
Access your business data from anywhere...
Use computer in shop as the server on the Internet...
Use thin client and touch screen. Use pictorial interface...
Get online easily with HDSchool’s online school management system and get your parents login page done in a jiffy. Allow parents to stay connected with their children's school and know of their progress instantly. Provide unique login ids for parents to log in. Parent can check the fee payments made and outstanding fees. They can also check their children's examination results Semester wise, Subject wise,Exam wise. Here is a link to our sample Parent login page. Default login credentials are: User Name = DemoUser Password = Demo (Case sensitive) Sample Website...
Get started quickly. Easy to setup and simple to use. Pictorial user interface. More...
Our focus is on customer support. Many ways to reach us with no additional charges. More...
Simple, one time affordable pricing for small and large businesses. No hidden costs. More...
Frequent software updates with latest features. Free of cost. Remain up to date.