HDPOS smart Advantages for retail stores:

Smart Billing

  • Retail Point of Sale software provides quick and easy billing, scan items with barcode, smart name searches, item search codes.
  • Add your own data fields to your HDPOS smart retail billing software. For example: weight, Manufacturer, Best before, Package date etc.
  • Complete weighing scale interface to weigh your items at time of sale and purchase.
  • Auto offers and schemes management on billing screen. Retail pos billing software Notifies customers about applicable offers.
  • Auto price by customer groups, business locations.
  • Manual Price Control, selection of price for items with multiple Prices.
  • Retail Software helps to manage your items batch and expiry dates.
  • Retail shop software allows more than one item under same barcode.
  • Spot discount for last minute negotiations.
  • Manage details on your product delivery effectively.
  • Create multiple price lists; accept payments in different payment modes.
  • Manage your purchase entries and supplier payments.
  • Manage different sales tax per item for the active bill.
  • Immediately take your Retail Store online with online retail billing solution & reach the world to increase your sale.

Data Correction

  • Easy data correction and action audit capabilities.
  • Secured way to edit / delete wrong invoices.
  • Billing and invoicing software for retail stores is an intelligent way of shifting the invoice numbers to fill in the gaps of wrong invoices.
  • Only HDPOS smart retail point of sale software can provide secured way to edit / delete purchase entries.
  • Correct your data entries in all document types.
  • Smart and Auto management of transaction records associated with data corrections.

Batch Management

  • Maintain multiple batches of the same item in the retail billing and inventory system.
  • Maintain different sales prices for batches.
  • Retail store software has a auto warning features for expired goods while doing sales return and sales invoices.
  • View item list and stock that is nearing expiry for easy return to supplier.
  • Let retail pos billing system manage batched by FIFO or manage batches manually.

Manage Your Large Inventory

  • Manage your large inventory. Easily upload 50000+ SKU’s.
  • Create your own categories and sub-categories in billing and inventory software for your retail shop and have different views of your inventory.
  • Introduce a new category level in your line of products at any time.
  • In Retail pos Inventory software the inventory can be viewed at any category level with rolled up totals.
  • Stock Drill down will give you a view of stock in a detailed manner depending on the selected category tree.
  • You can get a complete view of your stock, Item sales price, purchase price and difference in sales and purchase price.
  • Get your total stock along with its value at any time.
  • Easy and quick way to do stock audits and finding discrepancies in actual stock and expected stock in.
  • Support of excel files while doing stock audits.

Manage Stock

  • Manage different Measuring unit for the same commodity for purchase and sales.
  • Stock and retail billing system provides a feature for easy auto conversion between wholesale bundles to lose sale (auto Make and Break)
  • Manage BOM (Bill of Materials).
  • Price Calculations based on Bill of Material, packaging and labor costs.
  • Perform Sorting if you have purchased your items in larger quantity and want to make smaller packets to sell items.
  • Manage your dump stock and keep record of your wastage in one place with retail software.

Stock Movement

  • Manage multiple warehouses with retail pos stock monitoring system.
  • Easily move stock between warehouses.
  • Keep stock in Transit, Stock Requisition Notes.
  • POS stock tracking software for retail store keeps the track of stock kept at different customer locations (but not yet billed).
  • Manage stock for different companies in the same warehouse.
  • Use Multi-user stock pos management software & view stock for a single company or composite stock of multiple companies.
  • Smoothly move stock between two companies with retail pos stock software.
  • View Ledger page of stock transactions for any item at any warehouse between any two dates.
  • Simple Double-Click on any transaction on the ledger page to view the associated document.
  • View the stock transaction totals of the item between the dates specified.

Stock Corrections

  • Easy and quick way to do stock audits and finding discrepancies with retail stock inventory software in actual stock and expected stock.
  • Simple way to correct the stock and document missing stock.
  • Retail POS stock tracking system makes a document for every stock change in the system to make is easy to track and audit stock changes.
  • Manage Dump stock (example, fruits and vegetables)
  • Support for EXCEL files while doing stock audits.

Record Your Daily Sales

  • Quickly view bills made from a specific terminal of POS bill management system.
  • Quick view of last few bills.
  • Analyze your daily sales view broken by items.
  • Apply Inventory “Views” to daily sales.
  • Bill tracking software for your retail store enables you to view daily sales as rolled up totals at any level in your category tree or view.
  • View Sales Totals between any date and time range.
  • By Retail POS sales invoice system software you can view corresponding Sales Invoices or Sales Returns of items mentioned in Daily Sales View.

Customize your Sales Invoice

  • Create your own Invoice format with retail pos billing invoice template.
  • Establish branding with pos invoice generator software for your retail store.
  • Use logos, specific fonts.
  • Print Invoices in your regional language like Hindi, English, Marathi, Arabic etc.
  • Add your terms and conditions in Invoice.
  • Support for dot-matrix printer in text mode.

Print your Barcode Stickers

  • You can design and print your own barcode stickers for your retail shop with retail shop barcode software
  • In barcode billing software you can personalize your stickers with your logo and design.
  • Use normal laser printer or ink jet printer for sticker printing.
  • Support for dedicated sticker printers.
  • Support for A4 size sticker sheets.
  • Support for partial sheet printing.

Tax Management

  • Tax definition in HDPOS GST and Billing Software is simple and flexible.
  • Easily add Tax while you define item or doing excel upload. Apply additional tax at Invoice level.
  • If you have to collect more than one tax HDPOS smart GST system for retail allows to define custom tax structures on your items.
  • Manage taxes like Excise, LBT and other state and central level taxes.
  • You can change your tax definitions in the way tax applicability changes time to time.
  • You can choose what tax to apply per item on a running bill or while making purchase entry.

Customer Management

  • Quick Customer record creation with customer database software for retail.
  • POS customer contact system allows retail shops to group customers in many different ways.
  • Manage Customer level Credit Limits.
  • View Customer wise payment aging information.
  • Notify customers via SMS/emails about pending payments.
  • Easily create Loyalty Programs, Gift cards, discount coupons.
  • Sell Gift cards of any value, Receive payments using gift cards, recharge existing gift cards.
  • Define several schemes and promotions to attract customers.

Financial Accounts

  • All System required accounts are Auto Generated in accounting software for retail stores.
  • Using POS accounting system for retail can create any number of additional Financial Accounts.
  • Connect all your Financial Accounts, Company and Financial Transactions to Tally.
  • Create Company, Financial Accounts and Financial Transactions in Tally from HDPOS smart via simple export and Import.
  • Flexibility to define multiple “Views” of financial accounts.
  • Ability to view Composite Ledgers.
  • Powerful Cash Register Management.

Analytical Reports

While you are using HDPOS smart you can run several reports which can be customized to your business needs:

  • You can check which product you are selling most.
  • You can get report on your fast moving items.
  • You can get reports on your dump stock.
  • You can get reports on your dead stock.
  • You can check your sales report and see what your maximum rush hour is. This will help you manage your staffing accordingly.
  • You should also be able to quickly see your daily sales statistics, sales returns, stock items and short stocks.

Event Log Management

  • Control and record the data changes in your HDPOS smart event log database software.
  • Retail POS event log monitoring system lets you to know what happens at your shop even when you are not around.
  • Record data change events like, change in item prices, adding of new items etc.
  • Record data view events like what report was run, by whom, which button was clicked to view certain data and by whom.
  • Define your own events to record an event every time item details are updated.
  • Define an event for item detail change.
  • Create event for any object in the system.
  • Get notification of an event via email or SMS. Record events in the system and view them later in reports or on the screen.

Discounts Coupons and Offers

  • Create many types of offers in HDPOS Smart retail billing software.
  • Discount on items / Discount on full invoice amounts can be created through the retail pos invoice system.
  • Spot discounts facility for last moment discounts for special customers.
  • Create different kinds of discount Coupons.
  • Print / Email / SMS Coupons in customized designs.
  • Make Customer specific Coupons. Attach Coupons with offers to limit date range.
  • Create “One Time Use” or “Unlimited” or “Limited” usage Coupons.
  • Make News Paper / Handout Coupons.

Access Rights

  • Retail POS software is extremely flexible in managing user roles and restricting access to various parts by login id and Action History.
  • Granular control on all functionalities.
  • In pos software for retail stores you can create your own additional passwords to access specific areas of application.
  • Restrict access from areas of application from specific computer.
  • Create user groups, functionality groups and manage your own access rights effectively.


  • Receive critical information about your business at specific times in a day via SMS or email by using HDPOS Smart retail pos software.
  • Have Retail POS system software for your business & send your reports on set times in a day.
  • Set the reports to be generated at the login time and logout time.
  • Get SMS & email notification of your daily business from your computer when your staff closes the shop for the day.

2-way SMS support

  • Send your Invoices and receipts to customers via SMS. SMS can be sent in your Regional language too.
  • You, as the business owner, can also receive Reports like Daily Sales, Stock position, Cash Register Balance Etc via SMS on a predefined time from your computer.
  • You can send Simple SMS (ex: “RPT4”) to HDPOS smart to get the report of your choice SMS back to you. This is very useful when you are away from your computer.
  • SMS can work over simple dongle.
  • We also have SMS gateway. You can take account with Bulk SMS gateway providers.
  • HDPOS smart will integrate with your SMS gateway provider using HTTP API.

Select Your Store Type


Benefits of Retail PoS Software

Tracking a Gargantuan Inventory is No Longer a Hassle

With the power of HDPOS retail shop software by your side, managing hyper- size inventories of more than 50,000 stock keeping units will now be a breeze. Sort inventory in any manner by developing categories and even introduce a new category level in your line of products.
Stock drill down functionalities will help you find any item by name by going down each level in the tree-type hierarchy created within the inventory pos software module.
Stock audits are much easier as the software can pinpoint the difference between actual stock and expected stock. Finding the total stock value at any point on a real-time basis is also possible.

Better Stock Management with Better Retail Software

One of the biggest challenges retail shops are facing is the automatic conversion between wholesale bundles to lose sales and simultaneously managing a bill of materials. Price calculations based on bill of materials, packaging, labour costs and in some cases different measuring units are also required for the same inventory.
These and other such prickly issues like tracking of dump stock to record wastage can be easily tackled with the latest stock monitoring software releases from Hyper Drive Solution Inc. It’s your best bet to win in the marketplace crowded by equally strong competitors.

Effective Tracking of Stock Movement

Carrying and forwarding agents of fast moving consumer goods require a robust solution for tracking stock movement across multiple godowns, and warehouses. HDPOS retail stock tracking software offers a simple, easy to use graphical user interface for tracking the stock moving between warehouses and the items placed at various customer locations.
Stock requisition notes can be saved in the system to manage stock for different companies in the same warehouse. Moving stock between two companies can now be recorded without any errors creeping into the system.

Seamlessly Recording and Reconciling Daily Sales

With HDPOS inventory sales tracking software for retail shop, you can quickly view sales totals between any date and range. Corresponding sales invoices and sales return items are also presented in the daily sales view.
Users can see the last few bills generated to see how the store is doing and even the bills made from a specific terminal to see the sales performance of every terminal. Item -wise daily sales reports can also be seen to see the demand for each product from customers.

Generate Sales Invoice that Create an Impact

HDPOS sales invoice system software helps you customize your sales invoices by enabling you to develop your own invoice format. Establish branding on your invoice through specific logos, fonts and print them in English, local or any international language.
Right now, support is offered for English, Hindi, Marathi, Arabic with the facility to add your own terms and conditions. What’s more you get support for dot-matrix printer in text mode.

Tax Management Simplified

Yes, this is the biggest draw for young businesses to adopt HDPOS as tax definition is simple and flexible. Taxes can be added while you are adding the item or by uploading them in an excel sheet. Additional tax can be applied at invoice level.
Moreover, the challenging part is that the applicability of taxes change with time which HDPOS gst software can handle. Multiple taxes on certain items like excise, luxury, state and central taxes can be handled by defining them at the outset during installation of software.
With such amazing features HDPOS retail pos software is the best that you can get in the market today. Making a strong decision to incorporate more technology in your business will help you keep all internal processes in control. You will see less leakages, wastage by having a strong technological back-bone. And you will develop a source of sustainable competitive advantage vis a vis your peers that will keep you ahead in business.