One of the advantages that HDPOS smart has over the older traditional billing or
accounting software is that, it been developed in recent years it has modern technical
architecture. Because of its flexibility also known as scalability in technical
terms, this billing solution can be used in a situation of a single computer, even
a tablet and also in a situation where many nodes are required for large deployment.
The challenges of automating your retail store and bringing technology and computer
to manage your business are investments in hard ware, software and also staffing
and training. Specially for small business these challenges become difficult to
overcome. What makes HDPOS smart is perfect billing solution for small business
is its flexibility and scalability. As a small business you can keep your initial
investment less by automating your business with only one computer and going with
HDPOS smart as billing solution on a single terminal. In this setup all your data
and operation will be only on one computer.
As your small business grows you can add more computers for additional billing counters
and / or administrative terminals while upgrading your HDPOS smart from stand alone
billing system to a client server billing system. The flexibility of scaling and
upgrading of your software as well as hardware makes HDPOS smart a smart choice
for billing and inventory management for small business.