This video will show you to add daywise repeating appointment in HDSalon.
This video will show you add equipment /resouce in visit. It will also show you how to create an appointment userfield and use that as a resource.
This video will show you to add monthwise repeating appointment in HDSalon.
This video will show you to add a new visit in HDSalon.
This video will show you to add employee details in HDSalon.
This video will show you to add weekwise repeating appointment in HDSalon.
This video will show you to add workshift details of your employees.
This video will show you how to apply package in visit and select the service from the package.
This video will briefly explain how to apply package in a visit. to know more logon to:
This video will show to block time slot of employees and resources.
This video will show to cancel the scheduled appointment in HDSalon.
This video will show you how you can change the color for appointment status. It will show you to change the top, bottom and text color of the appointment status.
This video will show you to change the data that is displayed for different views of calendar.
This video will show you to change the names of appointment status from appointment calendar.
This video will guide you to check the employee availability from the appointment manager.
This video will show you to create an invoice from visit in HDSalon.
This video will show you to create an invoice of the visit having package.
This video will show you create a customer in HDSalon.
This video will show you how you can define services to employees.
This video will show you to define working hours of the Salon.
This video will show you to edit a visit in HDSalon from both appointment calendar window and appointment manager.